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I lean against the wind, pretend that i am weightless
and in this moment i am happy |
oh and what else..... my car rocks this world ;o)
Posted by: Arleigh at 1:53 PM Exams are over, and I'm sorry that I haven't been posting- with finally having my car and everything if all possible I get out of the house. Anyways i work tomrorow at Circuit City from 8-5 that should be fun... And btw don't ask how exams went cuz I don't know. Tomrorow I'm hanging out with Kristen, or should be after work.. yesterday annie and I chilled for awhile.. tuesday anand and I took off my jetta and gl badges from my trunk... don't know what else to talk about.. sorry guys
Posted by: Arleigh at 1:42 PM
ok two more exams left, i promise i'll post more after exmas are over
Posted by: Arleigh at 12:51 PM
oh open the links in a new window btw
Posted by: Arleigh at 12:14 AM ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Posted by: Arleigh at 12:13 AM I got my car :) I'll post pix from tonight.. oh jeesh running over a cone at the car wash, randomly getting blue lights in my dome light. Don't ask.. long story. Anyways I had fun, I love my car.. got the ghetto stereo hook up right now, ha ha.
I took Costen and Griff to Kristens game, she actually got playing time. I'm very imprssed. They were winning by a good handful when I left, I hope they won. Anyways.. umm yeh. sleep sorry guys. Posted by: Arleigh at 12:05 AM
home again, this sick thing is sucking my ass. Anyways, today I'll probably do my new puzzle and look at this Prom mag I got yesterday... yes I'm a dork. I do feel better, but still can't swollow right, it's not cool. I really don't have any other crap to talk about- I may put up the dublove part of my site.. random VWs taken at random gtgs or on the side of the road. I'm so sad that I can't go out tonight, but it's not like I have a choice, I decided for myself. plus I want to goto work with Dad tomorrow to get my car :o)
Posted by: Arleigh at 11:30 AM
I have viral crope whatever the hell that is, I know it's a virus. Either way bed calls- I'll let you know how I feel tomorrw.
Posted by: Arleigh at 10:07 PM
Ok i'm sick.. and I have homework.. sorry
Posted by: Arleigh at 9:53 PM
So my aunt's pregant, not cool stuff at all.. And it is SO pretty outside. You guys have to go out and drive or run, or bike or do SOMETHING.
Anyways, I took danielle home- went to circuit city.. and hmm nothing else has happened today. Just drove around doing nothing, it was tons of fun :o) Short post as usual, nothings coming to mind to talk about. Posted by: Arleigh at 4:20 PM I'm being really bad about writing on here, but I'm alive guys- in school. I'll write more later tonight or atleast try to.
Posted by: Arleigh at 10:59 AM
ok think grades arleigh.. think grades. I can't have one d this marking period. and i have a week to make sure I don't. FUCK is all I can say...Anyways I.. waht did I do today. I went and took an interview at CC, and have to get a pee test tomorrow. Fun shit. And then went to vals cuz i was bored, went to bowie and tha'ts about it i guess. Anyways, off to check vortex message boards.
Posted by: Arleigh at 9:50 PM
::Listening to- Mary J Blige::
Help if I could spell today! Anyways, it's SNOWING!! I took triton out and he didn't know what to do. He just kept eating it. So whats happenign today.. abuncha nothing. I have no hours at all this week so I'm applying at Circuit City so that I can get my discount on car stereo and comp. Hmm I got pretty tiffed with Sean yesterday. If you want to know anything about me guys, don't assume anything!! Ok? Good good. He assumed I wouldn't get along with someone so therefore told me. Sometimes guys give me the largest headache. NO people that think they are always right, and refuse to listen when they are wrong. Anyways.. what to talk about. really don't know.. Posted by: Arleigh at 1:15 PM
::Listening to- City of Angels by Natalie Merchant::
So tomorrows cruisebook, and i have homework todo. Sorry guys small post.. Posted by: Arleigh at 10:16 PM
::listening to An Angel Without Wings by Vertical Horizon::
Ha ha ok the joke of the night- I'm dating Sean guys no one else. Sorry I found it amusing. Anyways. My mom is no longer going to Las Vegas- which means I might get the truck this weekend after all. Anyways, what's happened. I talked to amber till 4 in the morning sunday night/monday morning. It was beyond cool, I miss that chica. I finally got my license again on Monday (yesterday) Today I went out driving my moms car, around town doing nothing it was great. Until I had to pee called Kristen to see if I could use her bathroom and got my head chewed off. BUT besides that lol. Sean and I are hanging out tons these days, and I enjoy it so much. He's a good guy, and I love him to death. Manda (M and M) is coming down again this weekend. *we have a three day break* So I think one of those days we are hanging out, the rest of them I'll be hanging with sean and/or annie. Ha ha today was great, sean and i were sitting at his house- me on the cable modem. and we had no clue what to do, so we random wake up annie at her house to do nothing with us. Aren't we nice?? So hmm, other then the lectures that I keep getting at school things are getting better. Well hell anything is better then last week right? I really have no clue waht to talk about, soon as I'm done talking to Mary and Annie I'm off to bed. Posted by: Arleigh at 9:22 PM
Righht.. sorry I had a random thought.
Posted by: Arleigh at 3:35 PM ::Listening to- 99.1::
So I work at 6 and get off at 9. Only time I work for the next 6 or so days. Kinda harsh don't you think? Anyways, I have the worst headache, and it just happened.. I htink it's too much computer time lately. BUT I've been pretty slack on it, so I really have no idea. Short post, just saying hi I guess. Posted by: Arleigh at 3:06 PM
"Just because someone doesn't love you the way you want them to, doesn't mean they don't love you with all they have."
This is mainly towards Kristen, we haven't talked in a few days which is good cuz I've been way to overdone to even think about her or almost anyone. But the last time we talked really was that night that we finally cleared up stuff. And this quote goes towards how she is giving me as much as she possibly can in life. True it's not alot, but I totally love her for it. Sean asked earlier if I wanted to go out, I really do cuz I miss him and it's only been 48 hours since I saw him last.. but I feel really cruddy. Between feeling sick, and getting no sleep last night I don't think I should go out. So I'm here on a Saturday night talking online to Annie and going through all the pictures I had developed in the past 24 hours. 5 rolls, I'm one broke ass mofo now. And i swear if another person ask me why they can't view my site right, and it's because they have no idea abotu computers and have their resolution set to shit by shit I will block them. So back to hte broke thing, yes I'm pretty broke- though I have money in the bank. I'm not touching it though, I refuse!! I only have THREE hours for this next week.. which is killing me. But I'm figuring I have atleast payed car insurrance for this month, so I'm good for another 4 weeks right? Posted by: Arleigh at 8:43 PM amanda i love you to death, thanks for the stress reliever this weekend. everyone else- i'll get back to you i need sleep.
Posted by: Arleigh at 6:20 PM
arleigh's shutting down slowly... bla the stress.
Posted by: Arleigh at 10:10 PM ok no comments from the peanut gallery, i have to retake the test tomrorow. DON"T SAY SHIT. Anyways, I have too much to do in the next 48 hours- I hate wanting to do something, somethigns rather, and not having enough time. BLA BLA BLA BLA
Posted by: Arleigh at 4:48 PM Ok I'm writing the list of shit to do, cuz I love list and I need to write them down or I'll totally forget them.
rotc: Cruisebook pictures in main hall new job newsletter make up uniforms staff board school: exams bring in ti-92 for capri to get installed home: design bathroom get paint for bathroom clean up bottom room design extra bedroom college: scad application recommendations portfolio buys: scanner digital scanner film random: film developed car shopping ok done the list, i'm in lunch with about 20 mins left, bloggin away... I so want a new job- I'm tired of retail, and I need soemthign with a learning curve. I guess I deal with what I get right, money's money.. but money doens't by saneness (is that a word) Posted by: Arleigh at 10:56 AM
::Listening to- Salif Keita::
MVA women suck my ass, that's all I have to say. Now I'm going to take a nap. Posted by: Arleigh at 5:58 PM ::Listening to-Cypress Hill::
Haha, we have a donut day today, how funny! Anyways sitting in school, came about 10 mins early and since I don't have a homeroom I'm chilling on the computers :o) I'm a geek sorry. I was listening to Kristen's game on the way back last night, and they lost in over time. It was such a close game with the number one team in their league, I'm proud of them- though they didn't win they did a outstanding job. Ok done with the whole big word thing, anyways today there is a staff meeting but I'm not sure if I am going- really depends on if I find everyone from cruisebook tomorrow. Also there is a test last period on macbeth, bla bla, so that isn't cool at all. Time to go hit the classwork. Posted by: Arleigh at 8:17 AM
::Listening to- watchtower::
Isn't it a beauty?? http://www2.warehouse.com/product.asp?pf%5Fid=CPU1775&cat=mac&blind=no Out to go cruisin, not really I need to study for macbeth BLA! Posted by: Arleigh at 6:21 PM ::listeng to- nothing i think i broke my cypress hill mini disc :o(::
So as i just said my mini disc player is being retarded, don't ask me, i hope it's the disk and not player- if it is i'll be majorly pissed. Anyways yesterday I did the mall thing, and then went to taco bell, oh do I love taco bell!! Other then that I really haven't done anything in the past day or so, easy method called which is good... umm work is being a pain. They said I was supposed towork yesterday, yet it's not on my schedule :o( Today I'm going home and sleeping, if all possible. I slept like a baby last night, it was so great!! Anyways, I'm bored in lunch, about to go down to get cup of noodles :o) Posted by: Arleigh at 10:44 AM ::listeng to- nothing i think i broke my cypress hill mini disc :o(::
So as i just said my mini disc player is being retarded, don't ask me, i hope it's the disk and not player- if it is i'll be majorly pissed. Anyways yesterday I did the mall thing, and then went to taco bell, oh do I love taco bell!! Other then that I really haven't done anything in the past day or so, easy method called which is good... umm work is being a pain. They said I was supposed towork yesterday, yet it's not on my schedule :o( Today I'm going home and sleeping, if all possible. I slept like a baby last night, it was so great!! Anyways, I'm bored in lunch, about to go down to get cup of noodles :o) Posted by: Arleigh at 10:44 AM
::Listening to- Roger Sanchez::
WE ARE TALKING AGAIN!!! Ahh can I say I had a good nights rest for the first time since new years? Kristen and I ended up talking it out online, which wasn't the best way- but we talked it out right? So I think things are worked out, as much as they could be. I found out that she has always considered me as her little sister, taht almost made me cry. It was so shocking, I really never thought that- or even thought she would even say it. A buncha nothingness happened today, class class and more class. Sean is getting jealous over Nick, even though Nick and I aren't even dating or anything. Bla I wish guys would stop acting like girls and suck it up. Anyways, I'm finding food, and then heading off to the mall to put some film in and help Nick pick out clothes lol. Until next time- PEACE! Posted by: Arleigh at 3:02 PM
::Listening to- Dru Hill::
I did what I could to make peace, or whatever you want to call it. The ball is in anothers court, I'm just going to live my life, and the ball comes back I'll go for it... if not I'll be depressed and sad, and then life goes on. Anyways, I can't stay up late, after 2 weeks of going to bed at like 3 in the AM I have to go to bed at 10.. well try to at 10. I'm hoping Kristen calls if she gets time, but I'm not sure that will happen :o/ I think Nick and I are hanging out tomorrow, gotta take the boy shopping.. lol. Might be fun, I'm taking the camera!! That reminds me I have to take my olympus to school to waste shots, I have film on there that needs to be developed. oh and I gotta go to guidance.. grr Posted by: Arleigh at 9:42 PM ::Listening to- Bubba Sparxxx::
Redid the design, what ya think guys? The bottom frames are being gay, so you might have to maximize the window.. but i'm trying to fix that right now. Posted by: Arleigh at 6:13 PM
::Listening to-Jamariquai::
I woke up, went to work at noon... ended up staying 2.45 hours longer cuz they needed help. But hey it's more pay right? I broke down and called Kristen, sorry guys it's bothering me. I left a message saying hey, I'm thinking we should talk so give me a call to let me know when you're free. She called back, I was working, I called back telling her when I was on break, she called back (nothing like phone tag). It wasn't as wierd as I thought it would be, I really do hate talking to people after fights- or tuffs or whatever you might call what happened. But it hurt, talking to her like that, like nothing was on my mind and yet thousands of things wanted to be let out thru the phone. She asked if I wanted to talk then, and I said no(don't ask me why), I've always hated talking on the phone about shit that really matters. So I ended up hearing she's pretty much outta town with games till Thursday, and she would call when she has a few free mins. That bothered me, not that she wasn't making time or anything, she can't help the basketball schedule- but that I would have to slump thru till she has those few free mins. Maybe I should just call her voice mail and explain it all....or not. Hmph, I guess it's a good sign that we even talked. I mean I know she's a way reasonable person... bla I'm moving on in life. I finally got a hair straightener.. think iron for your hair. And yes I always made fun of those who used them, but fuck I want straight hair. What else happened today...still forgot to drop off my paper. Maybe tomorrow eh? Or maybe I'll chance giving it to her first thing monday.. err might be scary.. Nothing really happened today come to think about it. I did come up with two things for next year, take one course at AACC, photo to get free processing.. And I might have to get asecond job. BLA. Posted by: Arleigh at 10:57 PM
::Listening to- Enigma::
So my list is becoming short of the movies I want to see, and I only have three days left to do it. These are the ones I've seen so far:(That are playing right now) Oceans 11 Ali Lord of the Rings Monsters Inc Harry Potter Not Another Teen Movie I still need to see: Kate and Leopold Beautiful Minds Vanilla Sky The Majestic And I think that's about it, There are a few movies coming out later this year that I really want to see- but until then I can wait right? Anyways I found this while cruisin the blogs :: "In response to a blogger I was reading earlier today , or was it yesterday? He was saying how it's the small things that can really make you happy, and I have to agree but it got me thinking (not to be depressing but . . .) it's also the little things that can make you upset. We perserevere through the really big things not allowing them to take us down , but one small thing happens and it can tear us apart. Least thats the way I am , It's the little things that make it or break it. And considering I notice small things , probably including small things that aren't even really there, they make and break me all the time.Anyway , just a thought. And I'm not in one of those deperessed moods where I pick out everything bad about anything good it was just a thought , i'm actually in a pretty good mood!" About the whole small things can tear a person apart, I find it true. I mean anybody can make it through death, or houses falling apart, etc etc. But what really test a person is the everyday struggle of life. I don't know, I guess people over look others problems because they seem small. yet those small things cause more damage then the large thigns.. random thought. So last night I ended up talking till 2 in the morning with heather, and you know who that happened last with? *studder* yeh.. ohwell, life goes on right? Today I've been doing the whole college search, application thing, fun stuff. Not really. I'm trying to find the dewitts email or number so I can get a recommendatio nfrom them. Also I'm going to try to get my folks to buy a scanner this weekend, so I can work on my portfolio. ALSO I'm goign to talk to my dad tonight to see if I can work on weekends for him, and quit at the gap. Sorry this whole 8 hour shit is still pissing me off. Ohwell, alot todo I guess. I hope I get my car soon.. that reminds me I needa go check the mail. Posted by: Arleigh at 2:51 PM ::Listening to- Wyclef Jean- Perfect Gentleman::
Saw Lord of the Rings tonight- good movie, though don't go to the late show. It isn't cool that time of the night. And i mean late show like 7 oclock, it was the longest movie!! Anyways, I'm online talking to Sean and Annie- and heather. Yeh you don't know heather guys, she's a 2nd lt maybe in the air force doing the med school thing. Very confusing, and has free internet crap. HMPH is all I have to say to that one. So let's talk about something ya'll ahve a clue about, though it won't intrest you much. I went into work to get my schedule. I have 8 fucking hours this week. What the hell is up with that? So i'm going to call andy and see if I can come back and work for him, esp now that Jim's going back to florida. If that doesn't work, I'll find a new job else where.. don't ask me where but I need insurance money :o) What ya think guys, one woman show, fits me too well.. thanks heather. Don't ask me where that came from, but it fits my personality exactly.... Posted by: Arleigh at 12:17 AM
::Listening to- Gotham City by R. Kelly::
Have you ever clicked with a person, and became friends at that instant? And the moment you met that person will always be edged in your memory. Kinda like that whole love at first site, but for friendships. If you guys don't know what I'm talking about don't worry about it, mainly I'm talking about sept 9th. Yeh I remember the day. Talking till 2 in the morning with a random person kinda stays with you for awhile!! I'm still shocked how much we had in common, and how easily I opened up. It's so hard anymore to find people to trust, and to be able to continue to trust. But you know that was never the issue, the issue mainly was I was never allowed in the life of this new found friend. She either didn't realize she was forcing me out, or she did it knowingly. Feeding me a line and hook every once in awhile, just enough to keep me biting, but not enough to keep me fed. I know what I did was stupid, but when your heart is being ripped out and there is nothign to do but cry, how you react is much like how a drunk would. So what am I talking about? Good question, if you couldn't tell I'm writing this so only the person and a few people that know the story will understand. I guess I'm giving her a couple weeks to either call and ask why, or to tell me to f' off. And if in two weeks I get neither I'll try and talk to her. Not blame, or apologize, but talk. Posted by: Arleigh at 10:05 PM "My resolution this year: I'm going to light a flame and let my candles burn brightly." This really caught my attention of this girls site http://www.alargehead.com/ Don't know, I guess what she said in her tuesday blog is everything I've been feeling.
Posted by: Arleigh at 12:38 PM I added a quote section to the page, I think it's a good addition. I'm not really sure what I'm going to do the rest of the day, probably finish those bookcases, and move them inside. There really isn't anything else todo, carless and home alone.. :o(
Posted by: Arleigh at 12:08 PM
I work today, then I gotta paint my new bookcases.. :o)
Posted by: Arleigh at 1:55 PM :: Listening to- Usher::
I emailed amber telling her everythign on my mind, from the soap opera today- thanks to no one but myself. To everything else like friends, hates, wants loves etc etc I miss her so much, and it scares me to think maybe it's over. Maybe it's over with both of them, if you get me good, if not sorry. If i learned anything in the past year and some months it would be the fact that there is such thing as fate, and some people are put in your life for a short time to show you things about life. I have come to accept that, so if things with Erin and KK never work out I really will go on with life. I do hope atleast with KK it does, or somewhat does, I did it for a wake up call, a large loud one. Hopefully she caught it. BTW my god is it cold out. Posted by: Arleigh at 1:10 AM i posted twice :)
Posted by: Arleigh at 12:59 AM So I came back to talk online for new years.. I figured if I get drunk I'll call kristen and say shit I don't mean.. so I didn't but I have been surfing the blogs.. and this is what i found
When paradise is no longer fit for you to live in And your adolescent dreams are gone Through the days you feel a little used up And you don't know where your energy's gone wrong It's just your soul feelin' a little downhearted Sometimes life is too ridiculous to live You count your friends all on one finger I know it sounds crazy- just the way that we live I think it's sooo true! Posted by: Arleigh at 12:06 AM So I came back to talk online for new years.. I figured if I get drunk I'll call kristen and say shit I don't mean.. so I didn't but I have been surfing the blogs.. and this is what i found
When paradise is no longer fit for you to live in And your adolescent dreams are gone Through the days you feel a little used up And you don't know where your energy's gone wrong It's just your soul feelin' a little downhearted Sometimes life is too ridiculous to live You count your friends all on one finger I know it sounds crazy- just the way that we live I think it's sooo true! Posted by: Arleigh at 12:06 AM |
About Me:
Name: Arleigh Jenkins Small Details: Female, 5'10, blue eyes, biker, lover, artist Location: Between GA and MD Contact: Email Biking Links RideMonkey CollegePark Bikes Capital Bikes Artemis Route1Velo Cars-R-Coffins 32sixteen Blogs/Friends UnFocuzed:: Mobius Ambivalent Way To Blue Koalas Insides Ego. Inc Random SCAD GettyImages Archives Powered by
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