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I lean against the wind, pretend that i am weightless
and in this moment i am happy |
Still waiting for the fedex lady to get here... this is so damn exciting. You have no clue how long I've craved for a g4, last year at MICA I fell inlove with them, and my one prof had a powerbook and *sigh* I drolled it over every Friday when I had his class.
Posted by: Arleigh at 1:13 PM So I'm sitting here the second day in a row, praying that my computer comes today. It should, it really should. And if it doesn't I"m going to do some ass kicking at Fed Ex on the way to Philly. Yeh I'm going to Philly to see Jimmy Buffet tonight. Should be intresting. One of those last minute dealies I'm known for. My friend Steve (black 1.8t jetta,works for tweeter) called me at 10pm saying "I have 3 extra VIP tickets for Buffet tomorrow night, do you wanna go and do you know anyone else that does??" I was like sure I'll go, umm who do I kno that likes Buffet. ALI!!!! So I called her she started flipping out, good times. And Steves happy. Ali's single, hot and his age. I'm a good friend. Also Anand, my best buddy is going. Should be fun, well either way I'll have fun
Posted by: Arleigh at 12:01 PM
For a quick post while I am here at the library. I took out my old computer so my mom can burn cds of all my junks. (I kno I am cheap, I even have the cds needed) Anyways, my computer is in Tennessee right now, which means it should be here tomorrow (Wed.) or Thursday at the latest. I really dont' know what internet I'll use, maybe I can convince them to let me get AOL again... hmm maybe...
Posted by: Arleigh at 6:52 PM
Here With Me- Dido
I didn't hear you leave, I wonder how am I still here, I don't want to move a thing, it might change my memory Oh I am what I am, I'll do what I want, but I can't hide I won't go, I won't sleep, I can't breathe, until you're resting here with me I won't leave, I can't hide, I cannot be, until you're resting here with me I don't want to call my friends, they might wake me from this dream And I can't leave this bed, risk forgetting all that's been Oh I am what I am, I'll do what I want but I can't hide I won't go, I won't sleep, I can't breathe until you're resting here with me I won't leave, I can't hide, I cannot be, until you're resting here with me. Posted by: Arleigh at 5:39 PM
The bad - I'm already over my daytime minutes for the month; I got zero sleep last night; need to finish cleaning my room. The good- kristen comes home tomorrow; my computer is coming soon; and... yeh hmm.
My room looks sweet, I'll post pix when ever good ole anand decides to fix is computerdora. last night at go karting was a blast. between lindsay showing up all thugged out, and beating williams ass in go karting. I think I gave myself whiplash five times easily. Anyways need to do some shit around the house. Posted by: Arleigh at 4:07 PM
Fifty best things in life... I got it in the mail earlier today.
1. Falling in love. 2. laughing so hard your face hurts. 3. A hot shower. 4. No lines at the supermarket 5. A special glance. 6. Getting mail. 7. Taking a drive on a pretty road. 8. Hearing your favourite song on the radio. 9. Lying in bed listening to the rain outside. 10. Hot towels fresh out of the dryer. 11. Finding the sweater you want is on sale for half price. 12. Chocolate milkshake. (or vanilla!) (or strawberry) 13. A long distance phone call. 14. A bubble bath. 15. Giggling. 16. A good conversation. 17. The beach. 18. Finding a 20 note in your coat from last winter. 19. Laughing at yourself. 20. Midnight phone calls that last for hours. 21. Running through sprinklers. 22. Laughing for absolutely no reason at all. 23. Having someone tell you that you're beautiful. 24. Laughing at an inside joke. 25. Friends. 26. Accidentally overhearing someone say something nice about you. 27. Waking up and realizing you still have a few hours left to sleep. 28. Your first kiss (either the very first or with a new partner). 29. Making new friends or spending time with old ones. 30. Playing with a new puppy. 31. Having someone play with your hair. 32. Sweet dreams. 33. Hot chocolate. 34. Road trips with friends. 35. Swinging on swings. 36. Wrapping presents under the Christmas tree while eating cookies and drinking your favourite drink. 37. Song lyrics printed inside your new CD so you can sing along without feeling stupid. 38. Going to a really good concert. 39. Making eye contact with a cute stranger. 40. Winning a really competitive game. 41. Making chocolate chip cookies. 42. Having your friends send you home-made cookies. 43. Spending time with close friends. 44. Seeing smiles and hearing laughter from your friends. 45. Holding hands with someone you care about. 46. Running into an old friend and realizing that some things (good or bad) never change. 47. Riding the best roller coasters over and over. 48. Watching the expression on someone's face as they open a much desired present from you. 49. Watching the sunrise. 50. Cuddling on the couch with out a worry of going anywhere. Posted by: Arleigh at 5:53 PM So, I have to make a "plan" for the next year of my life. A detailed plan no less, hmph is all I say to that one. I did alot of thinking today, mainly about trust, friends, parents, and the "year-plan" as we will call it for the next year until it is completed. I really can't write out all I thought about, it was one of those days where you are all philosophical and can't put it all together 20 minutes later. Kinda like when you walk back in the house cuz you forgot something and then forget what you forgot. Well somewhat like that.
The school part, part of the "year-plan":: I think I may take classes first and second semesters. The first mainly to take spanish and relearn all I learned with stupid hutchinson. It will also allow me to get my GPA back up. I figure if I take a math, english, spanish, and two other classes. One I hope being AP art which is weighted. Math and English honors or AP, probably honors so I can have a life next year.. even if I get all B's that is a 3.5. If I pull all A's thats a 4.4, if I get a mixture its somewhere between there. Another part of the plan is extra curricular vs. working. Either way as long as my heads not up my ass my folks will pay for stuff, so I don't know. If I want to get a stereo and do shit to my car I should work, but I can always work on the weekends... but that's when my friends will be free.... ugh such a hassle :) Only prob is I got the gig at the bike shop with them thinking I was able to work full time until spring semester, so I may talk to Kevin tomorrow inorder to work for him this summer and save up. I'm going to South River Tuesday inorder to sign up for classes and shit... should be umm fun. I can play sports thou this year, because I didn't play all three seasons last, I guess thats a good thing. If I really wanted to play sports, which I don't. But hey ohwell. So... yeh... Posted by: Arleigh at 1:13 AM
The room is pretty much finished, just have to write a quote on the wall (such an arleigh thing) and spray paint the bed frame white and its all butter. In about 20-30 mins I'm going to head up to Glen Burnie to meet up the boys, hopefully find SOMETHING to do!!!
I was going to goto Scooby Doo but it was sold out till 8'sh, which wouldn't be cool. Three kids - my cousins were going to go with me. A 3, 6 and 10 year olds out after 930.. can we say cranky?? Latest Downloads:: Moby: One of These Mornings Star Wars We Are All Made of Stars Another Woman Why Does My Heart Feel So Bad Eiffel 65: Move Your Body Posted by: Arleigh at 7:54 PM so this is what i'm getting next week :) :) :)
![]() i'll post more later, gotta finish painting Posted by: Arleigh at 1:27 PM ok so i'll post when i'm in a better mood, sorry guys... hopefully before i get my new computer. g4 baby ;)
Posted by: Arleigh at 2:20 AM
Now what to do today, Kristen and Lauren couldn't get on the flight which they should of taken inorder to be here by 630pm today. Instead I'm driving over to Dulles to pick them up at 2pm. Did I mention she woke me up once at 2am and then again at 6am. I'm so fucking tired, still have to go to court with kevin against my grandma... that could be intresting.
Posted by: Arleigh at 9:35 PM I'm back from OC, starting tomorrow night I'm going to be gone for another 2-3 days. OC was good, I'm tanner and not burnt anymore :) Oh I didn't tell you how damn burnt I was last week after tanning.
So today I... umm gave the dog a bath, and went running/working out. I'm going to start cleaning out the other room (extra bedroom that the twins will use when they are here) I know I won't be here during that whole visit prolly, I'll a. be working and b. be hiding. I love the guys to death, but they get everything on a silver platter when they are here. Everyone as in the dubbers and all I think are still in OC today, they might be on their way back thou... All I know is I'm bored as shitiiiit ... Posted by: Arleigh at 2:58 PM
Now that I have kissed the ground you walk upon and showered you with flowers, tell me ....
Posted by: Arleigh at 6:20 PM Note to my readers, if you have comments please leave them in the comment section below each post. If it is a personal comment as in family members reading, please keep the comments to yourself. This is a personal blog for my personal life, it is summer- I am not out drinking or smoking weed, please keep to yourself.
Posted by: Arleigh at 12:02 AM
This is over my head but underneath my feet 'cause by tomorrow morning I'll have this thing beat- Lifehouse
You know what annoys me, people that make websites and are too dumb to set the background color. Hello seting it to default does not mean it will be white on all computers. for example, if you set it for default on my computer it comes up as dark grey, because my default color is NOT white. it's grey. its one of those nights guys Posted by: Arleigh at 2:06 AM
Two People of All Time
It was 11 years ago, my first horse show ever. I was a young, small, 6 year old who had a lot to prove in the next 6 hours. Was I going to be what every other equestrian rider in my family would be? Above and beyond the competition, that day I wasn’t. I was thrown off in my second event, sprained my ankle and knew there was no way I would finish up the show. I was crying hard sitting beside the ambulance as they told me I wasn’t going to be able to ride for 3 weeks, it wasn’t tears of pain, but tears of lost hope. I had let down my family. My mother walked over, I still remember seeing the huge straw hat that she loved to wear. Her first question wasn’t how long could I ride or if there was anyway to ride in the rest of the event. The question was, “Would you like some ice cream? You know ice cream cures all.” That’s my mother, Sabrina Linton, now Sabrina Hayes. Always has been crème of the crop, even if she didn’t grow up as so. I have been judged my whole life, judged by the sports I play, grades I receive, jobs I work, art I make, and even down to the way I dress. Judging is something my mother has never done, even at that young age I knew that. I’ve gone through stages, just as any child does. I wanted to be a veterinarian; my mother had the farms veterinarian take me on his rounds for a month. I wanted to be a biker; my mother took me out and trained me, while reading book after book on how to train competitive bikers. For the past few years I’ve wanted to be an artist, it has become who I am as a person. My mother has been known to go out and spend her whole paycheck on supplies, computer programs and anything else that would help that creative edge flare. My mother, my friend and one of my hero’s is one of those people you meet once and continue to think about till your next meeting; she is a person of all time. Less then a year ago my life changed drastically. I no longer could bike because of an injury and my art also was taking shots in the heart because of personal doubts. Fate came in, like fate always comes in. A person that was a step above entered my life, the odd way that those special few come in. From that day my life was changed, someone believed in me with out believing. Someone had befriended me with out seeing my art or how well I biked, it was a first in a long time. I was liked because of me, the Arleigh Jenkins, not the biker or the artist or the person with thousands of contacts. This allowed me to take a step back, to see what really mattered. I stopped biking, art became first in my life because it was who I was and not what was wanted for me by others. I excelled at it, like I had excelled at everything in my life. Whenever I stumbled much like a foal learning to walk I could turn to that friend, and get the 101 on how to walk, or be myself in my case. My friend recently graduated from one of the most prestigious colleges in North America, they are commissioned to the United States Marine Corps as a Second Lieutenant and continue to hold that step above they have had during the whole time I’ve known them. Kristen Kavanaugh was basketball captain of the United States Naval Academy team, a Division 1 school and a team that won many more games this year then expected. She was also Company Commander, a leader to 150 students that ranged from freshman to her fellow seniors. In the past year she has overcome ACL surgery quickly in order to attend Marine Corps training mid-summer. This determination was what lead her to receive the title of captain of the basketball team, and the determination that will continue to lead her through her years as a Marine Corps Officer. My friend, my teacher by example and one of my hero’s, Kristen Kavanugh, is a person of all time. I didn’t write about famous individuals because no one famous has made an impact on my life, not a personal impact. I could easily write on Lance Armstrong, the famous three-time winner of the Tour de France. I could also write about Ernest Hemmingway and how his writing at age 11 made me want to write, for a few months, but I still wanted to be a writer. These people didn’t change my life, they didn’t make it easier to live and more enjoyable, Kristen Kavanaugh and Sabrina Hayes did, and for that they are my two people of all time. Posted by: Arleigh at 3:03 PM So far I've... ate ice cream, showered and watched shrek.. well i'm WATCHING shrek. I'm going to get dressed and ready to kick Anands ass into shape later today. I should enjoy it... :)
Posted by: Arleigh at 2:08 PM One thing is going thru my mind... I wrote it awhile ago and it sucks, it was a spur of the moment dealie..
Best Days of My Life Never was I so sure of myself Never been one to be decisive Now I know one thing for sure You have been the cause, the reason I can say, I have had the best days of my life. I would pay for those moments to be so daily, Cry to be able to hold you in my arms I would turn the clock back every night Only to live the day all over again(Chorus) I want to be able to touch you again I wake up in the middle of the night Hoping I would find you in my bed, by my side I can only dream of your touch, and how it felt By my side I wish you were, by my side. (Chorus) Thoughts have been running rampant in my mind I need to know if you feel the same That those were some of the best days of your life I wish I knew you wanted to be by my side, by my side. (Chorus) Posted by: Arleigh at 1:34 AM
this wont be long i'm so damn annoyed. Sean, ya know my good bud sean. His gf, jackie- who is one of my ok friends. She's a good kid, well she has blood cancer, and needs bone marro transplant.. She's o neg. The rarest blood type. I was all about to do it, then i was like wait thats not my blood type. To say the least I feel helpless, I mean what can i do? Call everyone of my friends and ask blood type?? Come to think about it, I would if they weren't either all drunk at beach week or in europe or some other random stupid trips... Yes I'm annoyed
Posted by: Arleigh at 11:28 PM Today I won't be able to post till late tonight. I'm heading to the outlets up at Hagerstown, mainly to goto the Adidas factory outlet, and mainly to spend my folks money. Catch ya lata tonight.
Posted by: Arleigh at 11:59 AM oh shut up anand :o)
Posted by: Arleigh at 1:22 AM
damn barsars you posted a lot today!
Posted by: Anand at 11:21 PM Off of that last post... I'm trying to explain some thinking I've had about amber.. I'll just cut and paste the convo so I don't have to retype the whole damn thought.
there is what i know about amber, her whole life she's been made to move every 2-3 years because her dads job, leave the friends she just finally finished the "newness" with yadda yadda. and when she came to the academy she had a fiancee jack. a year well maybe 2 years into it, she called quits, why? because she didn't want to deal with what she did with moving. which comes iwth the military. all her friends were a year ahead, and well they are still friends but not nearly as close. For example... she started dating someone in boston when she was up there for surface warfare school and had to leave him when she went to japan. so, that's why i think that whole hard ass amber is keeping me out. i'm thousands of miles away, and probably the one person that's loved her the longest, that well didn't have to. Thats my fault. I don't blame her at all, and if she calls quits after that email I'll respect her. I'll still want her in my bridal shower and if she ever comes back to the states to visit with her.. even for an hour. She will always mean alot to me. Posted by: Arleigh at 11:19 PM Amber-Roo,
This is it, my last time- last try to reach you or hope you all of the sudden take time, more then 3 mins to write 2 sentences as a reply. My life, well its my life, which has always been the unnorm. I am working at a bike shop, which is great, I am being sent to chicago for school in the fall. I didn't pass 2 credits, so I have to retake my 2nd semester of my senior year at South River next spring. (Not the smartest move I've ever made) So I'm working full time until the spring, where I'll still work full time just well evening hours. The big wammy, I'm dating a girl- have been for some months. I'm probably the happiest I've ever been in my life, even with school and the whole living situation which I'll explain in a few. I know its the one, I can't explain why.. I guess if you can't understand until you fall in love at first sight, and get the feeling. Its also one of the most difficult things I've ever incountered in my short life. Not the normal thing to do, or the easy one either; thats me ya know. Family life, where to start. In the past month its gone from great to where I was working for the stepdad- to I was kicked outta the house for four days and my car was sold. We are two stubborn people, and I hate males well no not true. my best bud is male, but the males that are always right. That would be the stepdad. I guess I should explain how I fucked up the whole graduation thing. do you remember when I had outpatient surgery on my head? I remember going out to dinner with you the night after... Anyways, it was cuz i had migranes thanks to calcium deposits on my head. Well I have migranes, but its chemical now, nothing they really can do but give me drugs to sleep and whatnot. It hasn't occured in a good month and some, but late march and april I was always late to school cuz of the meds and always sleepign instead of studying or doing homework. This killed my grades, I caught up in most my classes. Then the family issues started, headaches started and well there we go, I couldn't keep afloat in a couple classes...I sunk horribly. I don't know why I'm telling you all this, it seems at times I'm the last person from all your friends from Annapolis that you think about. I guess this is it, I'm tired of sending endless amounts of emails and getting one every few months. You've done alot for me, you took care of me when I was struggling as a freshman and you became a friend I could only dream for. But you see, one thing I never told you. From day one, when I first met you in that Hall, when you called me out because I was the only one who from the whole ghetto clan, was considerate enough to get you a christmas present. I just wanted you to care, not to have you do anything for me or take me any random places or give me a necklace I wear to this day. I wanted you to care about me and for me to care about you.. I simply wanted to be someone you considered a good friend. You never did fully trust me, maybe its because of the age. Thou I'm dating someone only .. 10 months younger then you. That was always something that bothered me, you cried once on my shoulder, at the point at the old apartments. Your group of guys were graduating. Did I ask for too much? Was the hard ass Amber Lee too strong and stubborn to let Amber, the Amber I remember be loved for longer then a couple years by someone other then her family? Maybe I did ask for too much, maybe it's my fault. I'm sorry for the long email, but it's one of those nights you just tell everything that is on your mind. I won't bother you again, until you want me to love you as a friend again, if that day ever comes that is. I will forever love you as my big sister, and keep that crest you gave me for my 15th birthday near by. Posted by: Arleigh at 11:02 PM Wow, this is going to be a long post day- haven't had one of those in the past month or more.
I didn't goto the movies, I drove around listening to Lauryn Hill and The Corrs, in the Adam and Eve song on the first CD of Lauryn Hill- she said something about becoming bisexual. I just had to laugh, what woulda happened if there had been no Alex, would I be who I am now?? I know I'm pretty confused about her right now, but things happen in your life- people come in and out of them for reasons. Like that poem, umm footprints maybe, or ugh I don't know. The one that says some people come in your life to leave footprints in the sand, some people come in to your life to stay and build sand castles. Actually I think I just made that one up but hey ohwell, you get my point. Ha ha, I'm on a role tonight. I was asked "why do we build our castles in the sky" My reply... no we put castles in the sky, to protect the dreams we build. Here it is, my last "try" or email or whatever to amber. I hate being the only one trying or caring in a relationship, and she once said that I would never let her outta my life. It was a joke, but she even knew then that it would be all me, all Re: in the subject line when I sparsly received emails from her, all me, the one that thought about it. so here we go.... *big deep breath...* I can do it, bla. Posted by: Arleigh at 10:33 PM full story of my evening so far... I went to the bike shop to put the money i earned today on my bike that I'm buying... but they said no wait till we order it and have it in. "You're one of us, its ok" So I went aimlessly driving after that. Anand has exams this week so he can't do anything this weekend, so I'm left with my own devices. I ended up driving down 214 towards DC, then i was like why not.. called Alex. Haven't talked to her in awhile, if she's free I can go see her for that put off meeting. During the convo I learned one thign about her that pissed the shit outta me more then anything she said. She's fake. I fell for her because she was real, she was so real. I know I shouldn't be upset, its the past- but when your past jumps up and bites you in the ass... it hurts. Alex ended up being something I never thought she could ever be... I was upset, sad and torn to say the least. Why would someone do that, to hurt me?? to get back at me for falling in love? I tried so hard to keep our friendship strong, and she always was the one that was too busy.
So I went and sulked at Borders. Bought three CDs. Ones kinda for you. I bought the VH1 CD of that performance. Bono sang a great song "When the Stars Go Blue" which right now is my fav song. So that was one. U2 7, a remix/acoustic versions of some of U2s songs. And Lauryn Hill Unplugged MTV. So I was a good kid tonight after that heart breaking CD buying excursion. I helped a lady and her kids put coolant in their taurus. And I bought my mom flowers- mainly to say thanks for putting up with me. My mom and Kevin went to her college reunion, 20 years I believe. They will be out till late tonight, I'm thinking of leaving them on the counter like I did when I was kicked out, for mothers day :o( I'm bored, and have nothing to do. At all. I think I'm going to go waste money and see a movie alone. What should I see thou, there arent any good sad movies out that I haven't seen. I can't believe this shit with Alex is really bothering me this much... it was 3 weeks. Its way over, why the hell would she do this. I guess I'm doing what she wanted me to do, be hurt and pissed. I'm going to suck it up, maybe there is something to do... maybe I'll wash my moms car. But my stupid absorber is in kristens eclipse... come to think of it all my cleaning supplies are in her car. HMPH. I need a car of my own :o( I miss my dub... God this is a bitching night.... When The Stars Go Blue [Featuring Bono] Ryan Adams Dancin' where the stars go blue Dancin' where the evening fell Dancin' in your wooden shoes In a wedding gown Dancin' out on 7th street Dancin' through the underground Dancin' little marionette Are you happy now? Where do you go when you're lonely Where do you go when you're blue Where do you go when you're lonely I'll follow you When the stars go blue, blue When the stars go blue, blue When the stars go blue, blue When the stars go blue Laughing with your pretty mouth Laughing with your broken eyes Laughing with your lover's tongue In a lullaby Where do you go when you're lonely Where do you go when you're blue Where do you go when you're lonely I'll follow you When the stars go blue, blue When the stars go blue, blue When the stars, when the stars go blue, blue When the stars go blue When the stars go blue, blue, blue Stars go blue When the stars go blue Where do you go when you're lonely Where do you go when you're blue, yeah Where do you go when you're lonely I'll follow you, I'll follow you, I'll follow you I'll follow you, I'll follow you, yeah Where do you go, yeah Where do you go, Where do you go Posted by: Arleigh at 8:25 PM :o( my connection cut off with kristen, who's in rome... that kinda sucks. I feel like an asshole, I hate sprint soo damn much.
anyways i reffed lax today and now going to go out and spend my 90 bucks :) Posted by: Arleigh at 4:35 PM |
About Me:
Name: Arleigh Jenkins Small Details: Female, 5'10, blue eyes, biker, lover, artist Location: Between GA and MD Contact: Email Biking Links RideMonkey CollegePark Bikes Capital Bikes Artemis Route1Velo Cars-R-Coffins 32sixteen Blogs/Friends UnFocuzed:: Mobius Ambivalent Way To Blue Koalas Insides Ego. Inc Random SCAD GettyImages Archives Powered by
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