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I lean against the wind, pretend that i am weightless
and in this moment i am happy |
taking back sunday further seems forever juliana theory something corporate anyone have any input on these bands?? Posted by: Arleigh at 4:57 PM you said hello
that's all it took you knew me i wanted you too that's all it took one simple glance one stupid look i'm not nuts i've just known that hello was it the very beginning i would be bare all from that ....hello Posted by: Arleigh at 12:32 AM
Mac WOW of the week
The latest from the trenches: Quad-processor PowerMac G4s? Yeah, you heard right. Quad processors; every high-end Mac fanatic's dream. Recent revelations from old-school friends at Apple whom we haven't talked to in a while seem to suggest that the new "Apollo" PowerPC 7470 processors and Apple's new PowerMac motherboard controller chip may make more than two G4 processors a reasonable price/performance proposition...and if the 7470 doesn't do it, its next-generation brother, the PPC 7500, is purported to be less than a year away with its 500MHz RapidIO bus. We don't expect to see quad processors at the August Apple Event, but the new PowerMac enclosure has clearly been designed to dissipate a whooooole lotta heat. The new 7470s are hot chips to be sure, but even at 1.6GHz, our reports indicate that this is not dramatically worse than with the 1GHz 7450 used in today's PowerMacs. This would seem to suggest, along with the new heatsink's almost ridiculously large dimensions, that quad processors are on the horizon. No G4 iBooks. For those who don't have to follow Apple's quieter public statements as closely as certain computer journalists (yours truly), you may have missed the relevant interview earlier this year when an Apple executive stated quite clearly that the company expects to keep the iBook using G3 processors for quite some time. We interpret this to mean at least a year....so don't expect G4 iBooks until the latter half of 2003, at the earliest. SuperDrive on PowerBook G4s? A lot of readers want to know when Apple is going to get around to putting DVD-R capabilities into the ultraslim PBG4 Titanium. From what we've heard, Apple's next PBG4 update will not only reach 1GHz in the processor arena, but it will also include the world's first ultraslim portable DVD burner. Granted, the Superdrive model can be expected to ship much later than its DVD-ROM/CD-RW cousins, but it's definitely coming. When, might you ask? Probably at an Apple Event in late winter of next year, some time between February and early April. Macworld San Francisco in January isn't out of the question, but it would leave the new Superdrive models lagging so severely that it could hurt sales beyond acceptable limits.... Posted by: Arleigh at 11:01 PM Here's an analogy, cuz I can't exactly explain the real deali.
Did you ever want that really cool toy for christmas, but instead you got another- one just as cooler or maybe even better. You fall in love with that toy and it becomes the bear or robot that you have to sleep with or play with daily. Then someone buys that original toy that you wanted, but instead of playing with that new toy you see that you love the toy that you first recieved that much more. That maybe it wasn't want you wanted at christmas, but that could of been because you didn't know it was out in the stores. But it is what you need in the mind and heart now, and no new toy with any amount of gadgets can replace it. Posted by: Arleigh at 2:20 PM
How I've waited for you to come
I've been here all alone And now that you've arrived Please stay a while I promise I won't keep you long I'll keep you forever... Slayer - Dead Skin Mask Stolen from http://www.mirthe.org/ Posted by: Arleigh at 9:30 AM
What do you do when you feel beside yourself? When you're told you'll make nothing of yourself, told by someone that mattrs in your life. When something you put alot of time and effort in, and is your own, is called crap. When they jump to conclusions over nothing and won't listen to anything you say. When someone is their typical psyhco self, when they don't listen or care to hear anything you want to say. What do you do when you feel like you have to get away from the place you are? You can't leave because you have no place to go, and don't know if you could even make your two legs move to it.
What do you do? Posted by: Arleigh at 4:30 PM And the picture frames are facing down
and the ringing from this empty sound is deafening and keeping you from sleep. And breathing is a foreign task and thinking's just too much to ask and you're measuring your minutes by a clock that's blinking eights. Posted by: Arleigh at 1:06 PM
My whole life I've been missing that girlie girl best friend thing. Ya kno that friendship you always see in hs and college. I honestly think I found it in the past couple days, but god is it bringing so many issues.
KC- Kristin Cousin, I met her thru Erin. We clicked as friends and it's good times hanging out with her etc etc. She is exactly like Anand but on the female version. Something that I've been missing, and a mental connection that I've been needing right now. The issues... Erin, I dont' want to lose her over becoming friends with KC. Esp after KC is somewhat- backing off her friendship with Erin. (I had nothing to do with that one) Other issues.... she leaves in less then a month for Frostburg. Yeh it isn't that far, but I can only deal with so many long distant friendships right now. Posted by: Arleigh at 4:00 PM Another WTF Post
Philly Girl Escapes, that is too cool. I vote that girl needs to get a huge shopping spree at ToysRus or something. Miners Trapped in PA Can we go through a week with out causing havic in our nation. PUHLEASE Posted by: Arleigh at 1:36 AM
What is wrong with our society? I mean really???
West Nile Virus in Texas, that's kinda scary ya know that. If that can happen in Texas, it can happen in any state or country for that matter. We are all mattered with terrorist, but diseases like that can kill us alot faster and quietly then any plane will. 7 Yea Old Abducted in Philly Here's a question, how stupid are we?? Why would anyone in their right mind kidnap a 7 y.o. I mean damn, go for a 10 year old or someone older that understands what is going on. Someone that could actually cope with it after the fact. What was wrong with the way society was 40-50 years ago? The prayers before meals, the curfews for children, set homework time, family time, and that everyone had to goto church on Sunday's. I'm not sayign I don't enjoy the freedom we have and what not. But there are somethings missing in today's world. Posted by: Arleigh at 1:30 PM
After doing bits and pieces of this thing all morning version 2.0 of crashingmonkies during the summer or 2002 is up. I have been itching to do something different, to do something that I haven't done and that hasn't been me. Since I started taking up space on the world wide web, I've been so into the graphic side of it. I sometimes get so caught up in the design and whatnot of mysite, I forget about the content half of a good site. Now I will get caught up in the writing since there isn't anything else to really worry about. Yes I will still post random pix, but only on the blog.
I stayed up pretty damn late last night. Erin IMd me out of the blue. If you look at the early archives of this blog you will see that I royally fucked up a couple times during our friendship. We talked for a good bit last night, about everything almost. I think thou, things are going to work out. We've always had a friendship that can pick up really easily, just as it did the first day we met. Instant friends. She invited me to her party on the 29th. I may be a bit tired after that weekend thou. Blogathon I've been awake since 930 this morning, what have I done? Just the site. I really have this urge to do something, clean something, fix something.. I don't know it is kinda odd. The list to do today... clean up my room and bathroom, and do laundry. I have a good 5 hours before anyone at all comes home, so that's a good thing. Ha if only I could post how dirty my room is, well its not DIRTY just really messy. I wasnt' home all weekend, so that is to be expected. Side note:: I'm back on the college hunt, I know, I know. For the past year and half I've been wanting to goto MICA and SCAD, but this past week I came to realize I'm shutting alot of doors that I have open for me if I go to a strictly art based school. I'm looking at Comp Sci schools now, one that is somewhat known. Thus far I've found Wake Forest, and some school in New York- having a brain fart and can't think of the name :o( Posted by: Arleigh at 1:20 PM
Sorry for the lazy posts, even when I have real internet now... hmm ohwell. I am still looking for lyrics for the soundtrack of my lifetime. The songs I have found recently will be at the end of this post.. Anyways, All Star Express was this weekend- Kevin did a vendor stand, mom and I reffed. Well I reffed Friday.
I'm not sure what I may be doing this week, still haven't decided that one... hmm I will let you know. Here With Me- Dido I didn't hear you leave, I wonder how am I still here, I don't want to move a thing, it might change my memory Oh I am what I am, I'll do what I want, but I can't hide I won't go, I won't sleep, I can't breathe, until you're resting here with me I won't leave, I can't hide, I cannot be, until you're resting here with me I don't want to call my friends, they might wake me from this dream And I can't leave this bed, risk forgetting all that's been Oh I am what I am, I'll do what I want but I can't hide I won't go, I won't sleep, I can't breathe until you're resting here with me I won't leave, I can't hide, I cannot be, until you're resting here with me. Posted by: Arleigh at 11:03 PM
I was told today that there is a soundtrack for life, for every event and every feeling. I know this and I always have, so now I've pulled out all my cds and the pamplets that come in the front with the lyrics. So far I pulled out all the ones out of my country and pop cd holder, thats about 80 cd pamplets to go thru. As I find lyrics I like and that hit me I'll post them. No this is not an attempt to find something to blog about. :o)
I'm on Garth Brooks- first Cd I pulled out; lyrics that I've always ran to-- Learning to Live Again I burned my hand, I cut my face Heaven knows how long it's been Since I've felt so out of place I'm wonderin' if I'll fit in Debbie and Charley said they'd be here by nine And Deb said she might bring a friend Just my luck, they're right on time So here I go again CHORUS I'm gonna smile my best smile And I'm gonna laugh like it's going out of style Look into her eyes and pray that she don't see That learning to live again is killing me Little cafe, table for four But there's just conversation for three I like the way she let me get the door I wonder what she thinks of me Debbie just whispered, You're doing fine And I wish that I felt the same She's asked me to dance, now her hand's in mine Oh, my god, I've forgotten her name CHORUS Now here we are beneath her porch light And I say what a great time it's been A kiss on the cheek, a whisper goodnight And I say, Can I see you again? And she just smiles her best smile And she laughs like it's going out of style Looks into my eyes and says, We'll see Oh this learning to live again is killing me God this learning to live again is killing me Posted by: Arleigh at 10:54 PM So I have alot to think about, mainly jobs and school and such. I don't know what I should do today, I have to beat up some barrel for mom--- it is kinda funny but hey Anand left me to my own devices.
I've been reading alot about Macs vs. PCs Those who surf the Web using a Mac tend to be better educated and make more money than their PC-using counterparts, according to a report from Nielsen/NetRatings. The study also said Mac users tend to be more Web savvy, with more than half having been online for at least five years. And the Mac faithful are 58 percent more likely than the overall online population to build their own Web page and also slightly more likely to buy goods online, according to the report. "With above-average household income and education levels, the Mac population presents a very attractive target for marketers, both online and offline," the research group said. Some random things--- The Sony takes just 35 seconds to boot Windows XP from a cold start. The Mac achieves similar status with Mac OS X in one minute, 25 seconds. However, it only takes seven seconds to shut down the Power Mac, compared to 11 seconds for the Windows box. Mainly through out all my reading I've seen that Mac and PCs really aren't any better then the other. It really depends on what you are looking for in a computer, what you will be doing and how you want to do it. http://www.usatoday.com/life/cyber/ccarch/2002/07/12/steinberg.htm Posted by: Arleigh at 3:48 PM
I am watching "Something to Talk About" and there are drunk old people boxing in the front lawn. It is damn funny. Anyways here is my list of the day
20 confessions 1. Yes I have a Mac, a powerbook g4 to be exact. 2. I watch scary movies when I am bored or alone with my dog. 3.I am so excited that I have had the same pair of sunglasses for the past year and few months 4. I am a flower whore, I love them yet never recieve them :o( 5. I miss riding horses 6. I am often confused about what to do next with my life 7. If I don't have a plan I feel dissapointed with myself 8. I miss my art at times 9. It isn't that I am not a morning person, or an evening person- I don't have a set time that i'm good or bad. 10. I am alot to deal with 11. I think I am going to start riding again 12. I want a job I can stay at home for and also get dressed up for 13. I don't support any special team 14. I sing really loud in the shower if no one is home 15. I hate magazines, too much advertising 16. I am a nerd at times 17. not as big as Anand and my mom 18. Running in the rain is fun 19. I wanted to be a vet for 5 yeras 20. OS X is the best Posted by: Arleigh at 3:11 PM
i stole this idea from some site off of blogathon.org.
100 things about me; 1. i like to think that i am a very open-minded person 2. i really hate stereotypes, yet sometimes i use them... 3.i love to write letters/emails to some people 4. when i recieve emails from some people i groan because i feel like i should reply and don't want to 5. i'm a very creative person. always have been. 6. i have probably over 200 cds 7. my car situation sucks right now 8. i am supposed to buy my mom a beta fish today for some plant 9. my dogs name is triton 10. i love to dance 11. i love to club 12. road biking is one of my true loves 13. my computer is sawwweet 14. i have a powerbook g4 15. it has none of the programs i need for my website 16. i am very uncontent on the job situation 17. i love fast connections 18. i talk alot on my celli 19. intelligence is a huge turn on for me. 20. my birthday is november 13th, same as alison lang 21. i like all kinds of music 22. i love listening to the rain 23. i enjoy staying up all night talking with someone i love 24. my major is going to be graphic design 25. want to minor in something... 26. i hate spanish with a passion 27. i have a fear of letting down people 28. i want that citizen watch 29. i love ice cream 30. i have more close guy friends then girls 31. i love my tuppy 32. i hate my neighbors 33. my background for my computer is very "intresting" 34. that clinque- happy is really really nice 35. i hate when people go idle or offline with out saying bye 36. i'm a very open minded person. 37. no one ever listens to my advice and i am usually right 38. i am very different with different people 39. i seem to buy notebooks in hopes that it will spur a writing down pour 40. i get bored in class if the teachers aren't assholes 41.i like the right side of the bed best 42. my hair has its own way of doing things 43. dubs (volkswagens) are your friend 44. yes i am taken 45. i think i am in love forever 46. i love to draw pure beauty 47. i own alot of sketch books 48. my favorite color is orange. 49. i hate hyped up beauty- makes it fake 50. brittany spears is hot but way to hyped and fake for me 51. my mom used to call me pookie 52. some how with out me telling people they call me Ar 53. starting in 2nd grade till 6th i was known as ArsBars 54. my last cars name was bars 55. another nickname is cracka A 56. Anand Dhanda is cracha B 57. i grew up in the towson, md area 58. monkies are cool 59. i'm scared of relationships. 60. i usually like eye contact 61. with my parents for example i don't look in their eyes 62. i will go to savannah college of art and design 63. i don't have a job. no one seems to want to hire for just the summer. 64. the old time cartoons rock 65. price is right is odd 66. i hate living on a main road 67. i love shoes 68. frappocions are gods invention 69. i like dressing up 70. thou i don't do it alot 71. i like book stores 72. i love "connecting" with people 73. i have the coolest blue eyes 74. i believe in guardian angels 75. i tend to hurt myself during sports 76. don't let it get me down- take one for the team 77. i am fairly tall 78. i am running cross country in the fall 79. i now am going to south river high school 80. i am going to start triathons sooner or later 81. i guess you could call me preppy 82. but in an artist way 83. i love the fall and winter 84. photoshop is god 85. i only wear silver 99% of the time 86. my mom and step dad have a peace order against my grandmom 87. my grandmom is running for office 88. downloading music and movies is too fun 89. i don't like taking baths- makes me sleepy 90. i love hot showers 91. i've dealt with a lot of things a person shouldn't have to. 92. but it's only made me stronger. 93. my dog is going to college with me 94. i have wonderful friends 95. i have wonderful parents. 96. i like who i am, i have things to improve but things that make me me 97. i like paul oakenfold 98. i enjoy everyday someway and somehow 99. i love to smile 100. i'm happy Posted by: Arleigh at 1:31 PM I think I am going to simplify my site today- I really have nothign else to do but be sick... so who knows... Maybe I'll get rid of everything but bio links images and such. I mean do I really need anything else? My friends know who they are- I can put quotes into my actual blog... hmm maybe....
screen shot for all those that would like to know . ![]() Posted by: Arleigh at 10:09 AM
I'm doing the 24 hours of blogging on july 27th... its three Saturdays from now. It should be umm intresting, lol.
Saw it on a site this evening::: Some confessions: My bathroom has a huge hole in the shower, crap all over the floor and the light doesn't work. We are inthe middle of "improving it" i am always unsatisfied with my room, i like it but it's not very conservative and its not very artistic- it is stuck in the middle and really really annoying me. i play really really sad music when i'm in my thinking. You know the "leave me alone" mood- sometimes that just makes it all just worse. i can't find a job i enjoy at all- i really liked working at the bike shop, and i'm thinking to just start full time at capital and say f it to donnas. Posted by: Arleigh at 7:50 PM well i kinda have internet- long distance dial up till this weekend.
Posted by: Arleigh at 6:22 PM
Surfing the net as usual
he's from baltimore http://www.visuallee.com/weblog/ she likes macs http://www.angiemckaig.com/ It all makes me giddy :o) Posted by: Arleigh at 2:08 PM So its been awhile- sorry guys. My life has been working for the past week. New news... got a speeding ticket on 70 this past Saturday. It was GOOD times. I should be getting internet at home by the end of the week and cable modem by the end of the month hopefully. That is why I haven't been online really- I came over to UMD today to download music and check my email before it BLEW up. yes blew up. Tonight I work from 5 till 11, tomorrow I'm off and giong to the ZOOOOOOO! And thursday/friday work again 5-11. Good times eh?
Anyways I'm alive guys, and now I'm going to go. :o) Posted by: Arleigh at 1:02 PM Sometimes there is a journey- you have to make, that you have to fall during making- to make you who you are.- Me
Posted by: Arleigh at 1:02 PM
I'm back to my old ways and searching the blogs I think this is the funniest one I've read in awhile it was off here-
http://annie.newdream.net/ Last Thursday I went to the Salvation Army to look for a bicycle. Like all the lame-o hipsters concerned with cycling aesthetics, I want an old Schwinn. Disregard the fact that my laziness has reached the point where I am too much of a sloth to cross the street for some Gatorade; if only my bicycle were cute, surely I’d get off my bum. So I scooted over to the ol’ thriftorium and checked out the wares. No bicycles were to be found (other than a Huffy Sweet Style, anyway), but I figured it couldn’t hurt to take a look-see at the clothing. I started moving through a rack of some shirts, standing about four feet from a woman in her late thirties. She looked like your typical blue jeans & t-shirt kind of Chicagoan, the kind of person who wears Oakleys and rocks out to Foreigner when she’s feeling saucy. She was browsing and coming my way, as I was going her way. When we were about two feet from each other, I excused myself and moved to her right. She glared at me. I started flipping through the racks again, when suddenly the woman violently shoved the blouses my way. I jumped a little as she yelled, “GET YOUR OWN DAMN BLOUSE RACK! THIS IS MINE! I WAS HERE FIRST!” I then realized that I was dealing with the modern equivalent of the Jabberwocky. “I’m sure there’s room for both of us,” I offered meekly. Because let’s be honest, Jabberwocky didn’t need the whole 6-foot rack to find the finest in poly-rayon blends. “YOU LISTEN HERE, MISSY,” growled Jabberwocky. “MAYBE NOBODY EVER TAUGHT YOU ANY MANNERS, BUT YOU NEED TO KEEP TO YOURSELF.” I suppressed the urge to inform her that one of my favorite columnists is Miss Manners, and instead, evenly explained, “Oh, but you’re the one being rude.” The rabid Jabberwocky then snarled and continued her shopping. I could have given her a saucy comeback, but then I thought, “What would Audrey Hepburn do?” For starters, Audrey Hepburn wouldn’t be shopping at the goshdamned Salvation Army. So I left, hopped on my Vespa, and pretended to ride down the streets of Rome. Posted by: Arleigh at 2:06 PM Well my computer is here, and buffet was great and ummm what else has happened? nothing much really. Got kicked outta go cartin last night- kicked dale's butt in her vr6 with my mommas honduh. Ummm... I work Wed- Friday until 8pm. Friday starts All Star Express, I may be working or reffing it, who knows... I think that's my plan of the week. did I mention my computer is here??
Posted by: Arleigh at 10:54 AM |
About Me:
Name: Arleigh Jenkins Small Details: Female, 5'10, blue eyes, biker, lover, artist Location: Between GA and MD Contact: Email Biking Links RideMonkey CollegePark Bikes Capital Bikes Artemis Route1Velo Cars-R-Coffins 32sixteen Blogs/Friends UnFocuzed:: Mobius Ambivalent Way To Blue Koalas Insides Ego. Inc Random SCAD GettyImages Archives Powered by
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