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I lean against the wind, pretend that i am weightless
and in this moment i am happy |
Time is come, what done is done it's time to move on, to another place, another space...
Learning to live... Posted by: Arleigh at 10:46 PM
Girl, please let me stick my key in your ignition...I won't stop until I drive you crazy. - R.Kelly
I met someone, well know I found someone should be what I'm saying. I have no idea what's happening, and for once I don't care....hopefully things will work out in my favor. Hell, who could resist me? I'm adorable!! (I know I know, cocky as hell.) Things are good, giving up on society in a whole. That's normal though, people in everyday life just suck. Everyone taking and no one giving, those that do give get f'd over... People being two-faced and having no clue what is flying out of their mouth, speaking just to speak. Ridiculous in my mind, I've learned in the past month that silence sometimes is the best thing that can be said. Words spoken confuse more than the ones left in the dark. At the same time, I'm working on that honesty thing. Everyone I know is on the kick of honesty this and that, so I'm trying it just to appease them. And in this moment Oh, it feels so right... Lovely lady, I am at your feet, Oh, God, I want you so badly. And I wonder this: Could tomorrow be so wonderous As you lay sleeping? Let's go drive 'til morning comes, Watch the sunrise and fill our souls up, And drink some wine 'till we get drunk. Yeah... It's crazy, I'm thinking, Just knowing that the world is round And here I'm dancing on the ground Am I right side up or upside down? And is this real, or am I dreaming? Lovely lady, let me drink you, please. Won't spill a drop, no, I promise you Lying under this spell you cast on me Each moment the more I love you. Crush me, come on Oh, yeah... -Dave Matthews: Crush Posted by: Arleigh at 6:33 PM
www.autoshowusa.com -- feb 8th, anyone want to go with?
Posted by: Arleigh at 1:48 PM
Ironic how many songs can explain my life..
Sometimes is never quite enough If you're flawless, then you'll win my love Don't forget to win first place Don't forget to keep that smile on your face Be a good boy Try a little harder You've got to measure up And make me prouder How long before you screw it up How many times do I have to tell you to hurry up With everything I do for you The least you can do is keep quiet Be a good girl You've gotta try a little harder That simply wasn't good enough To make us proud I'll live through you I'll make you what I never was If you're the best, then maybe so am I Compared to him compared to her I'm doing this for your own damn good You'll make up for what I blew What's the problem... why are you crying Be a good boy Push a little farther now That wasn't fast enough To make us happy We'll love you just the way you are if you're perfect. - Alanis Morissette:: Perfect Posted by: Arleigh at 11:41 PM I went on this group ride today with Artemis, and got my ass handed to me but people old enough to be my mom... its ok though. I'm looking at it from the amusing point of view, and it really is...ha.
I know I haven't been writing, my life has become a well as Kristen puts it, a rollarcoaster. I'm finally done it though. My philosophy is one day at a time, one by one. Live for today, not yesterdays or maybes. Go all out everyday and you can only gain from that. The past couple of weeks have shown me a few things.. #1 things happen for reasons that you don't always understand right away. #2 sometimes life gives you not what you want but what you need. #3 I have one amazing friendship and that means I'm doing pretty well in life.#4 Just because you aren't following what is supposed to be, doesn't mean you are wrong. I'm 18, I am enjoying life as much as I humanly can in where I am in life, and that is something not alot of people can say. Sure my purpose isn't really clear, it isn't going to bring me down- you don't always need a purpose to fulfill it. The best inventions, and dreams come from doing and seeing what comes out of it. Learning to live my life, and not let it live me... that is doing something right? Posted by: Arleigh at 11:37 PM
i know you need to go.
But before you do, I want you to know: That I wish you the best. And I wish you nothing less, Than everything you've ever dreamed of. And I hope that you find love along the way. But most of all, I wish you'd stay. Posted by: Arleigh at 6:02 PM
Ok, so I may be becoming close to stopping a blog all together... Toooo much drama.
Posted by: Arleigh at 8:29 PM
Posted by: Arleigh at 7:09 AM
Though I never really follow this.. its a good link. http://www.musicunited.org/
Posted by: Arleigh at 11:29 PM A US Airways Express/Air Midwest commuter plane crashed on takeoff after clipping a hangar Wednesday at the Charlotte-Douglas International Airport, bursting into a ball of fire and killing 19 passengers and two crew members.
Posted by: Arleigh at 3:59 PM
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sorry we are so alike so different and were in love i know this isn't it isn't how you want it i'm sorry i can't be it i can't be the one for you i wish i could be that one the one to make love the one that gets that love the one to hold you i'm sorry this isn't it i'll be everything i can everything for you i'll be there always we can make it through this we can be the best of the best we can be atleast friends love with out making love with out you giving your whole heart i'll always be there for you i'm sorry this isn't all you want i can't give that to you but would it be too much to ask for half of your heart to love gone can't stop hurting can't stope thinking how special you were how hard this may be things that are no more you had strengths you had qualities you had your place you could always call me we had our problems we had our fights our love never ended our friendship never ceased all our special moments can't believe this is it can't believe you are gone can't stop hurting can't stop thinking can't believe this is it can't believe you are gone Two different sagas of my life, and two different people... Posted by: Arleigh at 8:46 PM |
About Me:
Name: Arleigh Jenkins Small Details: Female, 5'10, blue eyes, biker, lover, artist Location: Between GA and MD Contact: Email Biking Links RideMonkey CollegePark Bikes Capital Bikes Artemis Route1Velo Cars-R-Coffins 32sixteen Blogs/Friends UnFocuzed:: Mobius Ambivalent Way To Blue Koalas Insides Ego. Inc Random SCAD GettyImages Archives Powered by
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