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I lean against the wind, pretend that i am weightless
and in this moment i am happy |
There are two things I keep coming back to in my life... my bike, and my art. That's gotta mean something... I guess.
Posted by: Arleigh at 12:32 AM
http://www.onegirlslife.com/ http://www.alternativesides.com/ http://www.mischiefmaker.com/suicidal/ http://www.inluminent.com/weblog/ Posted by: Arleigh at 2:02 PM Not a complete layout.. just tooling around last night. I'll redo tonight, hold ur pants on...well that is unless you are hot.. or that chick down in FL... :-D
I'll do when I get home from work, promise Posted by: Arleigh at 12:35 PM
We are at war.. kinda odd to be saying that. I'm a day late on posting that news. Not like anyone on this earth DOESN'T already know. This is what life has turned into. I'm trying... like most, not to let it affect me too much. I mean it does, my two good friends... Kristen and Amber. One in the Marines, one in the Navy.. one in school right now, and one in the Persian Gulf... only a few hundred miles (if that) from where that shit eating man Saddam is. A tad bit unsettling. Talking to Ambers dad last night calmed me down, he seemed very grounded. I guess the key word there is seemed.
Anyways, I'm at a coffee shop downtown waiting on erin.. so I'm going to be outtie. Posted by: Arleigh at 8:12 PM
Boredom on lunch break...
http://users.pandora.be/becquart/ http://alaska.blogspot.com/ http://www.reenhead.com/home.php http://purebollocks.blogspot.com Posted by: Arleigh at 1:14 PM
I still remember that weekend...
Till my body is dust Till my soul is no more I will love you Love you Till the sun starts to cry And the moon turns to rust I will love you Love you But I need to know Will you stay for all time Forever and a day? And I'll give my heart Till the end of our time Forever and a day And I need to know Will you stay for all time Forever and a day? And I'll give my heart Till the end of our time Forever and a day Till the stars fill my eyes And we touch the last time I will love you Love you I will love you Love you I will love you Love you:: Fisher- Forever http://llettersfrom25.blogspot.com/ <-- Wow.. Posted by: Arleigh at 2:26 PM
Random thought of the evening/night/morning. Are military is fucked up, seriously. I mean look at how they run it. People that give up their lives to wear the uniform everyday, no matter where or why they have to. Those people aren't allowed to live the freedom they are protecting. Freedom of speech? Nope. Freedom of religion? Nope. Gays in the military? Don't tell anyone if you are. It makes no sense to me why the people that are fighting for the rights of every individual that has a social security card.. can't live those rights daily. Kinda fucked up don't you think?
Posted by: Arleigh at 2:06 AM
7 months later.. 100 things about me update.
1. i like to think that i am a very open-minded person 2. i really hate stereotypes, yet sometimes i use them... 3. i used to write alot 4. dont really email as much as i used to 5. i'm a very creative person. always have been. 6. i have probably over 400 cd's 7. i have a speed fetish, no not the drug 8. i want a beta fish 9. my dogs name is triton 10. i dance better than most 11. club too much 12. biking is one of my true loves 13. my laptop is sawwweet 14. i have a powerbook g4 15. i dont like eating that much chocolate 16. i am going to be a state trooper 17. yes i will lock your ass up 18. i have this cd burning problem... 19. intelligence is a huge turn on for me. 20. my birthday is november 13th, same as alison lang 21. i like all kinds of music 22. i love listening to the rain 23. i enjoy staying up all night talking with someone i love 24. fast internet connections rock 25. my playlist is 8 hours long 26. lance armstrong is one of the few men i would ever marry 27. i have a fear of letting down people 28. either do something fully or not at all 29. i love ice cream 30. i have more close guy friends then girls 31. i love my tuppy 32. my neighbors are strange 33. i have over 8k mp3's right now 34. herbal essence smells good, but not up your nose 35. i hate when people go idle or offline with out saying bye 36. i'm a very open minded person. 37. no one ever listens to my advice and i am usually right 38. i am very different with different people 39. i seem to buy notebooks in hopes that it will spur a writing down pour 40. i guess i'm pretty smart 41.i like the right side of the bed best 42. my hair has its own way of doing things 43. dubs (volkswagens) are your friend 44. i want to fall in love forever 45. i thought at one time i was in love forever 46. i love to draw pure beauty 47. i own alot of sketch books 48. my favorite color is orange. 49. i hate hyped up beauty- makes it fake 50. britany spears is hot but way to hyped to be beautiful 51. my mom used to call me pookie 52. some how with out me telling people they call me Ar 53. starting in 2nd grade till 11th i was known as ArsBars 54. my last cars name was bars 55. Pete and I are the wonder twins 56. Been riding my 20" bike alot lately 57. i grew up in the towson/hunt valley, md area 58. monkies are cool 59. i'm scared of relationships usually 60. i like eye contact 61. with my parents for example i don't look in their eyes 62. wanted to goto art school for a long time 63. i work at harley davidson 64. the old time cartoons rock 65. price is right is odd 66. i hate living on a main road 67. i love shoes 68. frappacinos are gods invention 69. i like dressing up 70. don't do it alot 71. i like book stores 72. i love "connecting" with people 73. my eyes rock 74. i believe in guardian angels 75. i tend to hurt myself during sports 76. don't let it get me down- take one for the team 77. i am fairly tall 78. played alot of sports in hs 79. cuddling rocks 80. i am going to start triathons sooner or later 81. i guess you could call me preppy 82. but in an artist way 83. its raining outside, i wanna go play in it 84. i don't work tomorrow 85. i only wear silver 86. my mom and step dad have a peace order against my grandma 87. my grandma is odd 88. i miss my dad, though i really never knew him 89. last time i really saw him, my 10th birthday 90. i love hot showers 91. i've dealt with a lot of things a person shouldn't have to. 92. but it's only made me stronger. 93. my dog is going anywhere i go 94. my friends are always there for me 95. i have wonderful parents, who are getting better at parenting as time goes by 96. i like who i am, i have things to improve but things that make me me 97. i like paul oakenfold 98. i enjoy everyday someway and somehow 99. i love to smile 100. i'm slowly finding happiness again Posted by: Arleigh at 7:24 PM Who gets stuck in an accident/traffic at 2:45 in the MORNING???? Oh me..
Posted by: Arleigh at 3:24 AM
http://dawnsie.paperskye.com/maryland.html <-amusing
Posted by: Arleigh at 9:48 AM
Off of my random post last night... I know it made no sense. That's my life right now- one large mess that makes zero sense. The last week has bee... interesting. Falling head over heels for someone I have no chance with. FINALLY telling Erin I have been infatuated with her from day one. Having a girl become very obsessed over me in a very unhealthy manner. Getting so many oppurtunities at the club and truning everyone down because of that one girl that I fell for...and shouldn't of. It's been a drama filled 7 days. It makes the trip worth it I guess.
On a lighter note, I've been riding alot. Been trying to get out atleast once a day. John, one of my riding buddies is moving to TX the end of April. Once that happens I know I'll be out with Pete tons, because he'll need a riding buddy. On a nerd note my MP3 server is coming along nicely. I'll prolly be getting my new HD's w/i the next month. I really should figure out how many will fit in my box... Ohwell, I can always get an external!! Ha hells yes, I'm a nerd. Posted by: Arleigh at 8:42 PM
See there was this moment, I guess you could call it THAT moment.. when I realized this is it... where I'm going is from now on. I realized that no love in my life can change that.
Posted by: Arleigh at 5:59 PM Yeh, I haven't been writing. Sorry. I guess sometimes the best way to deal with things these days, is NOT to deal with them.
Bad huh? Posted by: Arleigh at 12:20 PM
Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind.
-Dr. Seuss Posted by: Arleigh at 11:38 AM
Wow... I will leave it there.
Posted by: Arleigh at 11:56 PM |
About Me:
Name: Arleigh Jenkins Small Details: Female, 5'10, blue eyes, biker, lover, artist Location: Between GA and MD Contact: Email Biking Links RideMonkey CollegePark Bikes Capital Bikes Artemis Route1Velo Cars-R-Coffins 32sixteen Blogs/Friends UnFocuzed:: Mobius Ambivalent Way To Blue Koalas Insides Ego. Inc Random SCAD GettyImages Archives Powered by
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