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I lean against the wind, pretend that i am weightless
and in this moment i am happy |
Things that hurt.. my crotch right now. I dont know what happen to my saddle, but I've been biking 20+ daily, and in the past week it has been painful to be out on it. Ugh. Good thing that there is no sex in my future!!
Training ride tomorrow, maybe a pro fit.. Jefferson Cup saturday, and some race sunday with the team. :) Posted by: Arleigh at 9:15 AM
Risk more than others think is safe ~ Care more than others think is wise ~ Dream more than others think is practical ~ Expect more than others think is possible
Posted by: Arleigh at 7:33 PM
So ps. I forgot to mention I have a. been hit by two cars, in two different cities.. in less than 24 hours.. whats up with that shiznitz??? And b. saw evanescence over the weekend with erin.. they rocked.. thou the chicks mic was f'd up in the beginning.. *sigh*
Posted by: Arleigh at 9:33 PM Laugh of the day...
Ms Brooks was having trouble with one of her first-grade pupils. "Johnny, what is your problem?" Johnny answered, "I'm too smart for the first Grade. My sister is in third grade and I'm smarter than she is! I think I should be in the third-grade too!" Ms Brooks had had enough, so she took Johnny to the principal's office. The principal agreed that he would give the boy a test and if he failed to answer any of his questions he was to go back to the first-grade and behave. He started by asking Johhny some simple arithmetic. "What is three times three?" "Nine, Sir." "How much is nine times six?" "Fifty-four." And so it went with every question the principal thought a third-grade should know. The principal looked at Ms Brooks and said, "I think Johnny can go to third grade! He seems smart enough." Ms Brooks said to the principal, "Let me ask him some questions?" The principal and Johnny both agreed. Ms Brooks asked, "What does a cow have four of that I have only two of? Johnny, after a moment, answered "Legs, Ma'am" "What is in your pants that you have but I do not have?" "Pockets!" "OK, what does a dog do that a man steps into?" "Pants." "What starts with a C and ends with a T, is hairy, oval, delicious and contains thin whitish liquid?" "Coconut." "What goes in hard and pink then comes out soft and sticky?" The principal's eyes opened really wide and before he could stop the answer, Johnny was taking charge. "Bubblegum!" "What does a man do standing up, a woman does sitting down and a dog does on three legs?" "Shake hands, Ma'am." "Now for some "Who am I" sort of questions, OK? First one. You stick your poles inside me, you tie me down to get me up, and I get wet before you do." Johnny, quick as ever, answered, "Tent!" "OK, a finger goes in me. You fiddle with me when you're bored. The best man always has me first." The Principal was looking restless and a bit tense. But Johnny was on the ball with "Wedding Ring!" I come in many sizes. When I'm not well, I drip.When you blow me, you feel good." "Nose." "Right, I have a stiff shaft, my tip penetrates, and I come with a quiver." "Arrow." Good, now for the last one. What word starts with an 'F', ends in K', and means a lot of heat and excitement?" Firetruck, Ma'am!" The principal breathed a sigh of relief and said to the teacher, "Send him to university, I got the last ten questions wrong myself!" Posted by: Arleigh at 8:07 AM Hey guys, things have been so hectic but I guess in a good way?? I finally got home last night around 530-6 from philly. Now that was an adventure in itself. (Ha) Love you dearly erin!! And now I'm slowly working the kinks out of life, cleaning up things (physically/mentally.) Training and well yeh thats my life. Have a race this sunday.. I think some training clinic Saturday.. and I'm not sure what else. Painting my room lime green in the next couple weeks... I'm excited :D My room is getting revamped... and oh the Zebra arse may be painted up on there again too. :)
Posted by: Arleigh at 8:06 AM
I think I am going to go crazy with my training and working things out and all.. Stupid schedules.
Posted by: Arleigh at 12:53 AM
Falling hard.. trying to keep some type of grasp on to solid ground, or onto something. Atleast I know this isn't all a blur into nothingness.
Posted by: Arleigh at 12:42 PM
What is this love
That I leave behind How can I turn From the tears in your eyes What is this world Where we always pretend That it is worth it Worth it in the end What is this life we share That I just throw away Is this love That causes so much pain What is the promise That I leave behind Why can't I Just lie beside you again What's goin' on How'd it get so wrong What is this dream That I'll never find What is this prayer That's stealing my mind What is this deal That I've just made with fate And I wonder If I have left it too late - Blue Rodeo Posted by: Arleigh at 12:53 AM
I'd trade all of my tomorrows for one single yesterday just to be with you again....
Life is really miserable sometimes...my puppy still is in the emergency vet. A fellow rider, newbie rider, died after crossing the middle line on his way home from picking up his new bike.. his wife following. Can't seem to think tonight, sorry.. Posted by: Arleigh at 10:32 PM
Life is weird, confusing at the most... but at the same time it makes more sense than ever.
Ya know when I was 8 - I thought love was what you felt for your pet and family members, and one day prince charming would come along to sweep me off my feet. When I was 17- I thought love was forever and it always would be there, no matter what, never changing, only growing. Though I'm not much older or anything, I've learned alot in the past few months. When you lose your heart and it breaks into thousands of pieces all over the unknown. You have to go searching for it.. and sometimes you find more than what you lost in the first place. What I found in the search is that love isn't always like the movies, its not always pretty or nice. It is love though, something you can't explain with words, and when you find it-- you feel it. You can't explain it. I don't regret the past year, or upset that things happened as they did. I gained from it, have a better understanding of who I am and what I want.. more than that though....I have found that sometimes what has been infront of you the whole times is what you have needed the whole time. The only way of finding it is the hard way. None of this is probably making sense.. I guess I am saying I dont know what tomorrow brings, nor why yesterday happened... I've begun to respect the way of living for today. Loving for today, and yes maybe falling in love for a "maybe" tomorrow. Posted by: Arleigh at 10:41 PM You know who you are, may have to do some explaining.. but you know who you are.
--------------------------- Desperate for changing Starving for truth Closer where i started Chasing after you i'm falling even more in love with you letting go of all i've held onto i'm standing here until you make me move i'm hanging by a moment here with you forgetting all i'm lacking completely and complete i'll take your invitation you take all of me now.. i'm falling even more in love with you letting go of all i've held onto i'm standing here until you make me move i'm hanging by a moment here with you i'm living for the only thing i know i'm running and not quite sure where to go i don't know what i'm diving into just hanging by a moment here with you there's nothing left to lose nothing left to fly there is nothing in the world that can change my mind there is nothing else there is nothing else.. Desperate for changing Starving for truth Closer where i started Chasing after you i'm falling even more in love with you letting go of all i've held onto i'm standing here until you make me move i'm hanging by a moment here with you i'm living for the only thing i know i'm running and not quite sure where to go i don't know what i'm diving into just hanging by a moment here with you just hanging by a moment hanging by a moment.. hanging by a moment... hanging by a moment here with you.. Posted by: Arleigh at 10:29 PM |
About Me:
Name: Arleigh Jenkins Small Details: Female, 5'10, blue eyes, biker, lover, artist Location: Between GA and MD Contact: Email Biking Links RideMonkey CollegePark Bikes Capital Bikes Artemis Route1Velo Cars-R-Coffins 32sixteen Blogs/Friends UnFocuzed:: Mobius Ambivalent Way To Blue Koalas Insides Ego. Inc Random SCAD GettyImages Archives Powered by
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