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I lean against the wind, pretend that i am weightless
and in this moment i am happy |
Wow is all I can say. Between having a mental shut down on the way home from South Carolina this past week, to being so freaking busy with work. To having another "crying session" last night because I was thinking I had to put down my puppy.... so much crazy crap.
Not that anyone cares about what has happened.. what I've learned thou, and what really matters that happened. Monday I got in a rut, a horrible one-- one that I still haven't gotten out of with some people. Don't take that the wrong way let me explain. Every once in awhile.. maybe twice a year. Everything I have put away in some closest makes that closest explode, and I go into mental shutdown. Having 100's of things on my mind that I ignored for so long, which have eaten away at the insides of that closest. I have to take a couple days off from sanity to resort the closest and clean up the mess I made. (If that makes sense) Well alot of things have been bothering me, for example this move. Stressing over it. Racing. Packing. Schedule. Work. Money. Love. Ex-gf. etc etc. One big thing I found is I had this huge deal I hadn't dealt with from the ex. One I needed to inorder to move on and grow. Finally Tuesday I had closure, and GOD DAMN does it feel good. To be able to give my love/life/soul/heart/everything fully to Kris, means well.. more than I ever thought. I found sometimes you need to let go of your past, though it means losing a small part of your heart that they will forever own. I'm ok with all this, I have memories.. and I know letting go means being able to make even better memories. Now it's hard for me to explain to people my rut, or why I do it or anything like that... so with some people I haven't talked to them for that reason.. or simply ignore any questions about it.. I know that may be bad but its how I deal. Sorry guys So plans for the next month. This weekend I work Saturday, going out of town with my mom to visit family on Sunday. Work next week till Kris gets in Thursday night. Going camping in VA with friends at a bike race. Kris leaves Tuesday. I finish packing and that weekend I am moving. Yes kiddies, I am moving in 14 days. Posted by: Arleigh at 10:39 PM
Stupidity of the Day
I'm not voting for him ever again, though Cheny is in the middle since his daughter is lesbian.. Hmm the confusion Posted by: Arleigh at 6:36 PM
it's nights like these that make me sleep all day
it's nights like these that make you feel so far away it's nights like these that nothing is for sure.... it's nights like these the sad songs don't help it's nights like these your hearts with someone else it's nights like these i feel like giving up it's nights like these i dont seem to count up to much beer taste like blood, my mouth is numb i can't make up the words i need to say -Lucero I wish I had something to say, I've been so busy and sick that I've been thinking so much I forget what I was thinking about. Weird I know. Seems like the longer I'm away from my girl the more short temper I become. It also seems like I drop into a foul mood easier, and alot faster. I dont mean to, and I'm far from bi-polar, but bah. I dont like being this far away for this long. That's all I really have to say.... Posted by: Arleigh at 7:37 PM
Seeing if blogger is working for Ging
Posted by: Arleigh at 6:03 PM ![]() ![]() 3AL/2.5v Titanium, carbon bladed fork, Campy Chorus groupo, Campy Electron wheelset. Yumm Posted by: Arleigh at 4:09 PM
"In love with the idea of being in love." The more time goes by the more I think that's what it was back then. There was love, no doubt about that. Or eh.. I dont know. Things are so different with Kristina. Very, very different. It makes me wonder how two people of opposite ends of life and views stayed together so long. Maybe infatuation, or maybe we were together for that time to teach us both something. I know she'll always be in my heart, but sometimes anything more is too much.
I used to wish we were still together. And now I can't even think of myself with her. I also can't think of myself without Kris, so that makes sense. Weird what a few months can do. I mean in less than a month, my whole life will be changed. I'll be permanently living about 600 miles away, far far away from family. Doing something for myself. Fully. That makes me giddy in away, scared to death. The whole rollarcoaster thing, all over again. Posted by: Arleigh at 8:45 PM
So the top seated women in my life. Aka, the gf.. and aka the best friend. Have both been difficult in the past 48 hours. Not holding anything against them AT ALL. Just posting cuz I forgot to in haste in the last post.
Either one is being distant, or the other is just well closed off to the damn world. Makes me sad, and i dont kno what to do. Ohwell I shall figure something out for the friend, and for the gf.. a good kick in the arse is good. Posted by: Arleigh at 11:44 PM Good things in life... loving gf's. loving moms. loving friends. bikes that are always there. dogs that love you no matter what. ribs. the new g5 macs. Going camping this weekend with Will. Lists :)
Badthings in life... rude bosses/co-workers. waking up at 3am on Friday. dog having seizures. mom getting sad about you leaving permanently. lyrics that hit home and hurt. people being distant. ex's being dumb. Life has been picking up it's pace in the past few days. Work has been crazy. I've worked the past 7 days and still have atleast 3 more to go. Ohwell, Saturday night I think Will and I are going camping in the Shenandoah Valley. Days are trimming down. Next weekend is when I drive to South Carolina to interview for the job at the bike shop, and look at the condo. If I like it, putting money down. Oh and seeing Kris :) A month till Columbia.. that's all I can keep saying. I can't wait, I'm freaked to high hell.. and its a feeling I keep feeling about so many things. It's that feeling when you are on the top of the rollarcoaster and the ride is about to go down the HUGE drop that starts everything. You are about to die and you want to turn back.. You can't, the ride keeps going and your stomach drops and damn does it feel good. Felt it with Kristina, feel it all the time biking, feeling it about this move.. Went shopping with my mom today, shopping with her is fun. Especially after when we go eat. She calls random friends of mine and leaves scary voicemails of her "yoda voice." Got a snazy new watch, it's RED.. It's made by Guess. and I LIKE it. ![]() You know what's scary, not knowing a DAMN thing about your bestfriend. Not caring and loving her through it all. Posted by: Arleigh at 11:38 PM
Test, sleep, work, zoned, now going out with Will to take my mind off missing the girl. :( Yeh I'm sad :(
Posted by: Arleigh at 9:48 PM
Bianchi Pista...
![]() Plus Look pedals (Blue ones, last years model), Continental Grand Prix 3000, (both blue) and soon to be blue Cinelli grip tape. I haven't decided if I want to put a front brake on there. I guess I should for city use. Until I'm good with pedal stopping and track stand.... Posted by: Arleigh at 10:02 PM
What if I could leap tall buildings in a...
In a single bound What if I could tell the world I loved you Without even making a sound What if I was smarter than Einstein's daughter What if I had x-ray eyes What if I could run to the top of the sun And not even look like I tried Would you love me then... Posted by: Arleigh at 6:24 PM
![]() Posted by: Arleigh at 5:55 PM Finally my fixed gear is built and I put in some riding last night.. some deadly riding. But what is life without living on the dangerous end of it? I'll be adding some more links for fixies in the links on the right. Also will be adding pix once I find someone with a digital to take some :) The bike is a Bianchi Pista. With a few mods here and there...
One month till Columbia, SC. I'm seeing the apartment the 26th, and looking for a job that weekend too. Yeh for money... I'm going to be so broke within the next 2 months... All for biking, education, and one woman. Damn those bikes ;) learn to see the world in a grain of sand... Posted by: Arleigh at 5:45 PM An oldie but goodie...
Proof To Purchase? A little old lady went to a grocery store to buy cat food. She picked up three cans and took them to the checkout counter. The girl at the cash register said "I'm sorry, but we cannot sell you cat food without proof that you have a cat. A lot of old people buy cat food to eat and the management wants proof that you are buying the cat food for your cat." The little old lady went home, picked up the cat and brought it back to the store. They sold her the cat food. The next day she tries to buy three cans of dog food. Again the cashier demands proof that she has a dog, because sometime old people eat dog food. She went home and brought in the dog. She then got the dog food. The next day she brought in a small box with a hole in the lid. The little old lady asked the cashier to stick her finger in the hole. The cashier said, "No, you might have a snake in there." The little old lady assured her that there was nothing in the box that would harm her. So the cashier put her finger into the box and pulled it out and told the little old lady, "That smells like ****." The little old lady said, "It is!. Now can I buy three rolls of toilet paper?" Posted by: Arleigh at 8:48 AM
Still away for the weekend... just posting about a new roadie forum that I found this evening. RoadCycling.net
Oh, and really haven't made anyone take any pix this weekend... ;) See ya guys Sunday night. Posted by: Arleigh at 4:30 PM |
About Me:
Name: Arleigh Jenkins Small Details: Female, 5'10, blue eyes, biker, lover, artist Location: Between GA and MD Contact: Email Biking Links RideMonkey CollegePark Bikes Capital Bikes Artemis Route1Velo Cars-R-Coffins 32sixteen Blogs/Friends UnFocuzed:: Mobius Ambivalent Way To Blue Koalas Insides Ego. Inc Random SCAD GettyImages Archives Powered by
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